非古雪茄介绍:拉伊士特利亚 洪都拉斯私人精选 Lahistoria Honduran selection
拉伊士特利亚 洪都拉斯私人精选
Lahistoria Honduran selection
品型:Grand Corona 大皇冠
描述:精选洪都拉斯雪茄圣地Santa Rose de Conan 的特纯烟叶,全叶茄芯手工卷制卷工完美,持灰利器,浓郁度轻柔到中等,口感凸显木香,花香,蜂蜜,吃口甜感明显,余味清甜意犹未尽,是新手入门、老茄客日常口粮的好选择。
Introduction to non ancient cigars: La Istria Honduran selection
Cigar story meeting
Cigar story meeting
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La Istria Honduras private collection
Lahistoria Honduran selection
Origin: Honduras
Process: Manual
Specification: 10 pieces / box
Type: Grand corona
Size: length 150mm ring gauge 45
Intensity: ★★★☆☆
Suction time: 40-60 minutes
Description: select the extra pure tobacco leaf from Santa Rose de Conan, the sacred place of Honduras cigars. The whole leaf eggplant core is hand rolled with perfect curling process. It is a sharp tool for holding ash. The intensity is soft to medium. The taste highlights wood fragrance, flower fragrance and honey. It has an obvious sweet taste, and the aftertaste is still sweet. It is a good choice for novice and old eggplant customers.