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大卫杜夫 > 大卫杜夫署名2号 20支木盒Davidoff No.2 Tubos

大卫杜夫署名2号 20支木盒Davidoff No.2 Tubos

Davidoff No.2 Tubos

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大卫杜夫署名2号 20支木盒Davidoff  No.2 Tubos

大卫杜夫2号铝管DAVIDOFF TUBOS NO.2【产 地】多米尼加 【长 度】6英寸 【环 数】38 【制作工艺】纯手工 【浓 度】清淡-中等 【包装规格】20支铝管木盒装该款大卫杜夫二号相比2000型要细长一些.是大卫杜夫品牌雪茄最受中国雪茄客喜欢的两款

  • 大卫杜夫2号铝管DAVIDOFF TUBOS NO.2

  • 【产    地】多米尼加   

  • 【长    度】6英寸  

  • 【环    数】38    

  • 【制作工艺】纯手工    

  • 【浓    度】清淡-中等   

  • 【包装规格】20支铝管木盒装

  • 大卫杜夫雪茄品牌创立人仙奴•大卫杜夫于1906年在沙俄基辅出生,该地现为乌克兰的首都。父亲亨利(Henri Davidoff)为犹太裔烟草商人,1911年由于俄罗斯社会充斥着反犹太主义,仙奴便与家人迁往瑞士日内瓦,翌年于当地开设烟草店。1924年仙奴完成中学课程后,便到拉丁美洲学习烟草贸易,包括阿根廷、巴西及古巴,当中仙奴在古巴的厂房内首度接触当地的雪茄。大卫杜夫雪茄为男性捕捉到了水的神秘和精髓,被称之为"来自肌肤之下"的雪茄。大卫杜夫雪茄它的味道是精细品味和对照后的杰作---沉浸在花瓣中充满了果实的浓厚香味。纯净、清新的感觉与花的芬芳天衣无缝地组合在一起,就像使用它的男性,敏感、性感但又不乏绅士风度。Davidoff大卫杜夫雪茄赋予水这样简单的事物以灵感与神秘力量。清冷的味道,让人想起水晶般透明的高山湖水。大卫杜夫雪茄,在欧美市场,已成为雪茄爱好者的主流产品,长期受到雪茄爱好者的青睐。大卫杜夫雪茄是男式喜爱的品牌之一。大卫•杜夫是一位烟草业的传奇人物,于1984年创造出以他自己名字命名的第一款雪茄,大卫杜夫雪茄,再造雪茄界的传奇。1930年仙奴回到瑞士,接管父母的烟草店业务,该店的生意额于二战期间及过后快速增长,由于瑞士在二战期间宣布中立,因此成为不少人的避难所,包括富有烟民。此外他也发明了供古巴雪茄用的保湿器。在古巴革命后的1967年,大卫杜夫与当地的国有品牌Cubatabaco接洽,商讨有关个人雪茄品牌的事宜。这些雪茄于新设立的El Laguito厂房卷装,至1969年首批大卫杜夫雪茄出产。 多米尼加生产的大卫杜夫雪茄,采用浅褐色的康涅狄格茄衣,其茄衣光滑泛黄,传统人工手卷制,制造工艺无可挑剔.Grand No.1,No.2,No.3和Ambassadrice,清淡而雅致.Thousand系列口感也比较温和.粗胖型的\"Special系列则包括Special R(Robust),Special T(Piramides),Double R(Double Corona)和新近推出的Special T(Culebras)看厂堪称经典,此外Aniverario的两种尺寸,这是为了纪念大卫杜夫的80岁寿辰而限量发行的多米尼加雪茄,此种尺寸的雪茄有一种令人回味无穷的清淡风味. 浅褐色的康涅狄格茄衣,外套乳白色金属铝管,能长久保存,值得广大雪茄爱好者一试大卫杜夫2000筒Davidoff Tubos。

  • 口味风味温醇,中等浓郁,令人回味无穷,是高雅时尚身份的象征,特别适合中国人的口味

  • 该款大卫杜夫二号相比2000型要细长一些.是大卫杜夫品牌雪茄最受中国雪茄客喜欢的两款

  • Davidoff tubos No.2

  • [origin] Dominica

  • [length] 6 inches

  • [number of rings] 38

  • [production process] pure manual

  • [concentration] light medium

  • [package specification] packed in wooden box with 20 aluminum tubes

  • Xianu Davidoff, the founder of Davidoff cigar brand, was born in 1906 in Kiev, Russia, which is now the capital of Ukraine. His father, Henri Davidoff, was a Jewish tobacco merchant. In 1911, because Russian society was full of anti Semitism, Xiannu and his family moved to Geneva, Switzerland, and opened a local tobacco store the next year. After completing the secondary school course in 1924, Xiannu went to Latin America to study the tobacco trade, including Argentina, Brazil and Cuba. Xiannu first came into contact with local cigars in the Cuban factory. Davidoff cigars capture the mystery and essence of water for men, and are called cigars "from under the skin". Davidoff cigar is a masterpiece of fine taste and contrast - immersed in the petals and full of the strong aroma of fruit. The feeling of purity and freshness is seamlessly combined with the fragrance of flowers, just like the men who use it. They are sensitive, sexy but there is no lack of Gentlemanliness. Davidoff Davidoff cigars give simple things like water inspiration and mysterious power. The cold taste reminds people of the crystal clear mountain lake water. Davidoff cigars have become the mainstream products of cigar lovers in the European and American markets, and have been favored by cigar lovers for a long time. Davidoff cigars are one of men's favorite brands. David Duff is a legendary figure in the tobacco industry. In 1984, he created the first cigar named after himself, Davidoff cigar, to recreate the legend of the cigar industry. In 1930, Xiannu returned to Switzerland to take over the business of his parents' tobacco shop. The business volume of the shop grew rapidly during and after World War II. As Switzerland declared neutrality during World War II, it became a refuge for many people, including wealthy smokers. In addition, he also invented a moisturizer for Cuban cigars. In 1967 after the Cuban revolution, Davidoff contacted the local state-owned brand cubatabaco to discuss matters related to personal cigar brands. These cigars were rolled in the newly established El laguito factory, and the first Davidoff cigars were produced in 1969. Davidoff cigars produced in Dominica are made of light brown Connecticut eggplant. The eggplant is smooth and yellowish. The traditional manual rolling process is impeccable Grand No.1, No.2, No.3 and ambassadrice, light and elegant The taste of thousand series is also mild The chubby \ "special series includes special R (robot), special t (Piramides), double R (double Corona) and the newly launched special t (culebras) The factory can be regarded as a classic. In addition, aniferario has two sizes, which are limited release Dominican cigars to commemorate Davidoff's 80th birthday. Cigars of this size have a light flavor that gives people endless aftertaste The light brown Connecticut jacket, which is covered with milky white metal aluminum tubes, can be preserved for a long time. It is worth a try for cigar lovers. Davidoff 2000 cans of Davidoff tubos.

  • The taste is mild and mellow, medium and full-bodied, giving people endless aftertaste. It is a symbol of elegant and fashionable status, especially suitable for the tastes of Chinese people

  • The Davidoff No. 2 is thinner than the 2000 model Davidoff cigars are the two most popular brands among Chinese cigar makers


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